Kansas City Institute of Podiatry – Achilles Specialists

Your Achilles tendon can withstand forces of 1,000 pounds or more, yet it’s the most frequently ruptured tendon, often due to an injury incurred by weekend warriors and professional athletes. Our doctors at Kansas City Institute of Podiatry have extensive experience diagnosing and treating a wide range of Achilles tendon problems. They often treat Achilles tendonitis, peroneal tendon ruptures, and xanthomas, so book an appointment online or call the office in Overland Park, Kansas for any potential Achilles tendon problem.

Tendons are found at each end of a muscle where they enable movement by attaching muscles to bones. Your Achilles tendon attaches the bottom of your calf muscle to your heel bone. It’s responsible for raising your heel when you walk, stretching with every step.

Tendonitis refers to an inflamed tendon, which is a common overuse injury, especially in weekend warriors. Achilles tendonitis often occurs due to:

  • Hill running or stair climbing
  • Suddenly increasing mileage or speed when walking, jogging, or running
  • Starting a new exercise or returning to exercise without adequate stretching
  • Trauma caused by sudden contraction of calf muscles, such as starting a sprint
  • Repetitive movement
  • Improper footwear
  • Tendency toward overpronation

Symptoms include pain anywhere along the tendon and tenderness on the sides of the tendon. When Achilles tendonitis goes untreated, it can cause tendon degeneration.

You have two peroneal tendons in each leg that run down the fibula and around the ankle where a tissue called the peroneal retinaculum holds them in place. The peroneal tendons are responsible for holding up the arch and allowing you to roll to the outside of your foot.

When the peroneal retinaculum is injured, the peroneal tendons can become dislocated and move over the fibula, damaging the tendons.

Peroneal tendon dislocation often develops from sports injuries incurred while skiing and playing football, basketball, and soccer. In some cases, an ankle sprain may lead to peroneal tendon dislocation.

A xanthoma is a collection of cholesterol in the Achilles tendon. It’s closely associated with high cholesterol and risk for coronary artery disease.

Xanthomas are typically treated by taking the steps necessary to lower the patient’s cholesterol, such as medications and lifestyle modifications.

With the exception of xanthomas, your doctor initially treats Achilles tendon problems with conservative options. These may include rest, ice, compression wrap, and modifying your activities. Additionally, tendonitis may require immobilization while you need to keep weight off the leg if you have a peroneal tendon dislocation.

When conservative treatment fails to relieve your symptoms, your doctor may recommend surgical intervention to repair the damaged tendons.

To receive expert care for Achilles tendon problems, call Kansas City Institute of Podiatry or book an appointment online.